

Radiology welcome graphic

Radiology imageAlthough better known as the ‘X-ray Department’, we do a lot more than just take X-rays! We offer almost all of the latest types of medical imaging techniques to support Doctors, Nurses and other Healthcare Professional to diagnose and work with you to treat you in the best possible way. We are located on the ground floor of the main hospital building.

Last year we performed over 141,000 examinations.

George Eliot NHS Trust has a number of different modalities (types of scanner) within the Radiology department. Some are listed below;

X-ray – This area has four rooms which are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for emergency investigations as well as general GP and out-patient department X-rays.

Radiology imageCT – This is where our two, state of the art CT scanners are based.

MR – Our 1.5T and 3T (T stands for Tesla and is a measurement of how strong the magnets are) are kept in a dedicated, closed access area for safety reasons.

Main contact number: 024 7686 5168

X-Ray bookings: 02476 865250 

CT bookings: 02476 865017 

MR bookings: 02476 865711 

Ultrasound bookings: 02476 865396 / 02476 863884 

Interventional Radiology bookings: 02476 865429 

PACS office: 02476 865421

Sarah Heard – Imaging Service Manager

Abdul AliMonguno – Deputy Imaging Service Manager

Katie Edwards – Radiology Governance Lead

Mike Sinkala – Lead Reporting Radiographer

Rachel Gray – MR Lead Radiographer

Drew Broadbent – CT Lead Radiographer

Hannah Toon – X-ray Lead Radiographer

Ann Britton – US Lead Radiographer

Haleem Ahmed – IR Lead Radiographer

Alison Bettany – Radiology Clinical Systems Lead

Rebecca Magrath – Practice Educator

Dr Navin Angurala

Dr Ashwini Kumar

Dr Amitabh Palit

Dr Jaweed Vayani

Dr Mahesh Krishnan

Dr Salah Al-Jeboori

Dr Sankar Sinha

Dr Venkateshan Muthukrishnan

Dr Manoj Srivastava

Associate Specialist in Radiology:

Dr M. Jyothish Kumar

The department has several modalities and the opening times of each are different.

We are typically open from 8am until 7pm Monday to Friday and patients are seen by appointment only. We are sometimes open on Saturdays and Sundays for certain types of scan and clinics.

If you are attending for an appointment from your GP, you will attend the North Warwickshire Community Diagnostic Centre for your X-ray or US (your appointment letter or phone call will explain the details).

Emergency Department and in-patients are seen in our main department.

The wait times for radiology reports can vary for each patient. The following is displayed for information purposes only and are not a guarantee on the wait times for each specific scan.

For further information, please contact XXX.

Last updated XX/XX/XXXX

  Minimum Maximum


Radiation Awareness

Many people worry about being exposed to X-rays and other forms of radiation. Whilst we do endeavour to keep your radiation dose low it is important to remember that there are several checks that take place before your examination;

  1. The person asking for the scan has had specific training on radiation and its risks.
  2. Your request is vetted by a member of staff who checks your examination is needed and therefore ‘justified’.
  3. Finally, right before your examination, the Radiographer responsible for the examination makes sure it is still required and meets all the criteria we have to make it as safe as possible.

It will always be beneficial for you to have an examination using radiation because the benefit of finding out whether you have a condition or pathology that needs diagnosing will always be more than the risk from the amount of radiation you receive to give the people looking after you that answer.

All our staff operate within the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations, IR(ME)R 2017 and there are strict laws and guidelines we all follow to make sure you only receive the radiation we need to best answer the questions the person looking after you has asked.

We always try to keep the number of people exposed to radiation to a minimum. For this reason, if you are not a patient, you may be asked to wait outside any X-ray room, stand behind a screen or to wear a lead-rubber apron that will help to protect you from the radiation.

In the United Kingdom, Public Health England has calculated that on average, people are exposed to about 2.7 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year from naturally occurring radiation in homes and workplaces. The following data demonstrate typical dose estimates from a range of diagnostic clinical imaging examinations - adapted from the Public Health England guidance Ionising radiation: dose comparisons.

Comparison of doses from sources of exposure

Source of exposure                                                             Dose

Dental x-ray                                                                           0.005 mSv

100g of Brazil nuts                                                                 0.01 mSv

Chest x-ray                                                                            0.014 mSv

Transatlantic flight                                                                 0.08 mSv

Nuclear power station worker (year average)                       0.18 mSv

UK annual average radon dose                                            1.3 mSv

CT scan of the head                                                              1.4 mSv

UK average annual radiation dose                                        2.7 mSv

USA average annual radiation dose                                      6.2 mSv

CT scan of the chest                                                              6.6 mSv

Average annual radon dose to people in Cornwall                6.9 mSv

CT scan of the whole spine                                                   10 mSv

GEH 639 21-24 July 2021

The Radiology Department provides a comprehensive imaging service to the population of Nuneaton and the surrounding area. We see over 132,000 patients a year on average.


CT Scanners: (Examinations per year (all types): 20,000+).

One 64 slice Siemens scanner, installed 2015.

One 128 slice Siemens multislice scanner, installed 2015.

MR Scanners: (Examinations per year (all types): 16,000+).

One 1.5T scanner installed 2016One 3T scanner installed 2016.

Both with a full range of coils including angiography with moving table top.

Ultrasound: (Examinations per year (including Gen & OB/GYN): 20,000.

Four general ultrasound rooms, capable of all examinations, including musculoskeletal ultrasound and interventional procedures (2019 & 2020). 

Interventional Radiology Suite: (Examinations per year: 900+).

X-ray: (Examinations per year: 75,000+)

Four general X-ray rooms installed in 2010 and 2020. Three image intensifiers for theatre X-ray support and three digital mobile units.

DEXA: (Examinations per year: 2000+)


This infrastructure is supported by a hospital-wide Insignia PACS system, which was installed in 2013. The recently refurbished general reporting room houses four radiology workstations. Our small library of general Radiology reference text books are kept there also. Our RIS has been upgraded to the most recent version in the current installation and voice recognition has been rolled out across the department.


The Radiology department supports MDT meetings in all major cancer specialties, including Colorectal, Haematology, Urology, Lung, Gynae, HPB and Upper GI, Vascular, Lung Nodule, Rheumatology, Cardiac, Surgical, Breast and IBD to list a few.


On-call may be performed via teleradiology and the emergency out-of-hours service is covered by an external provider between the hours of 20:00 and 09:00.

About George Eliot Hospital

The Hospital is proud to service the local community and is actively pursuing a total quality approach through self-assessment and we are aiming to be awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC and become a Diagnostic Centre of Excellence. Management structures are designed to ensure that maximum devolution and decision-making rests with the Clinical Teams.

The Hospital serves a resident population of approximately 90,429 inhabitants. The George Eliot Hospital is a District General Hospital with 300 beds and serves the surrounding areas of North Warwickshire, South West Leicestershire and North Coventry. 

Opened in 1948, the hospital has about 2,500 whole time equivalent staff, encompassing all major medical and surgical specialties. We also have a dedicated education centre containing a lecture theatre, meeting rooms and a library area.

Nuneaton is a large market town in the Borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth in northern Warwickshire, England. It is the largest town in Warwickshire.