What you need to do
You have been referred for a chest X-ray because your GP feels your symptoms need further investigation. There are many common conditions that these symptoms could be linked to, including the possibility of cancer. We would encourage you to have your chest X-ray as soon as possible after your GP appointment as some conditions may get worse if not treated promptly.
After your chest X-ray
Your X-ray report will be available to your GP within three working days and you can call them for your results 14 days after your X-ray if you have not heard from your GP before then.
Most patients have a normal result. If you have concerns about any new or existing symptoms it is also important to go back to your GP as soon as you can.
If your chest X-ray doesn’t give all the information needed
Sometimes a further scan can be required in order to better assess any changes seen on the chest X-ray in more detail. In this case the Radiology department at the hospital will contact you directly to arrange a CT (Computerised Tomography) scan. You can read more about this type of scan here.
The CT scan will be reviewed by a Radiologist or Reporting Radiographer and the report will be sent to your GP, you will then be informed of the results either by your GP or a member of the specialist lung team. Further referrals for specialist appointments/investigations will be discussed and made if necessary. Please contact your GP if you have not heard from them after one week from the date of your CT scan.
For further help and advice
If you have any questions about these investigations please contact your GP practice. The hospital administration team and Radiographers are not able to advise you on the specifics of the CXR/CT scan as they do not have all the information your GP collects when planning your care and onward treatment with you.
If you have concerns about any new or existing symptoms it is also important to go back to your GP as soon as you can.
GEH 643 21-24 July 2021