
Header for NHS directory page - Warwicksire Stop Smoking Service.png

Contact us

Telephone Number 0333 005 0095
or Text QUIT to 60777

Stop Smoking in Pregnancy:
Tel: 07917 227004 (you may be charged for this text/call– check with your service provider)

We all know that smoking is bad for your health and your pocket and we also know how difficult quitting smoking is, which is why we offer support to help you stop smoking once and for all.

Text “Quit” to 60777

Did you know…

People who get help to quit and 4 times more likely to stop for good than people trying to stop on their own.

Free support to help you stop for good

Our friendly specialist team of stop smoking practitioners have helped hundreds of people just like you to stop smoking once and for all and they are waiting to help you.

They will work with you to recognise and manage your cravings, create a tailored plan that will help you with any withdrawal symptoms, so you are soon smoke free.

If appropriate they can prescribe Nicotine Replacement Therapies and you can receive weekly telephone support.

Why wait? Get help to stop smoking today.

Text Quit to 60777 or call 03330050095

George Eliot Hospital is a smoke free site - smoking is not permitted anywhere on the site.