Contact us
Tel: 024 7686 5507 (Non urgent, no answering machine facility)
Paediatric Diabetes Dietetic Clinics run on Friday afternoons in Outpatients C,1st Floor, George Eliot Hospital.
Children and young people with Type 1 diabetes and their families will be able to use the DigiBete App and website for a wide range of awareness, education, training and support resources.
Paediatric Diabetes Consultants
Dr Olumuyiwa Oso
Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurses
Heather Holland (Diabetes Nurse) 07900 138225
Clare Neail (Diabetes Nurse) 07824545399 Office number 024 76865507
Office Hours 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
Out of hours telephone on-call support on the above mobile numbers from 5pm-7pm Monday to Friday (for urgent advice).
During bank holidays and weekends, please call the hospital on 024 76 351 351 and ask for Paediatric consultant on call.
Omar Shah Tel: 024 7686 5098
Available Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 8am-4pm
Heather Holland (Diabetes Nurse
Clare Neail (Diabetes Nurse)
A charity with the aim of carrying out research on curing, treating and preventing type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes UK
An excellent first port of call for information an all things diabetes.
Useful Links
Useful websites from other hospitals
UCLH (University College London Hospitals) paediatric diabetes website
Useful for further links and resources as well as how to videos.
Patient Advice for sick day rule
information from ACDE organisation
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals
Includes videos on carbohydrate counting and injection technique as well as podcasts on different topics.
Includes videos and resources on managing type 1 diabetes
For more in-depth exercise information, particularly for those interested in competitive sport.
Type One Writers
A UK-based pen pal service for anyone affected by type 1 diabetes.
Beyond Type1 Website
Full of useful information and media content, much of which is from the perspective of people who are living with type 1 diabetes. This is an American website therefore some information presented may be different to advice provided in the UK. Please speak to your team if unsure
Self-help and Sorted!
A range of downloadable books aimed at young people to help with concerns such as anxiety and stress or more specific concerns or difficult experiences such as eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. The books are also likely to be useful for parents, carers and anyone working with young people.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapy
A range of resources and useful contacts to support young adults (16 years and older) with mild, moderate and moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety or depression living in Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire.
Social media and information for young adults
#Type 1 Uncut
A YouTube channel of short videos from young adults living with Type 1 from all corners of the UK on things that matter to them including hypos, sport, sex and research.
#OurD (twitter site)
An online community that organise tweet chats on diabetes topics of your choosing.
Video stories of those awkward moments when it comes to managing sex, dating and relationships with Type 1 diabetes.
Coventry and Nuneaton Children and Families Diabetes UK Group
A facebook parent support group for children and young people with type 1 diabetes. Just search on facebook Coventry and Nuneaton Children and Families Diabetes UK Group and request to be added.
Email contact: coventrynuneatondiabetes
Carbs and Cals – Chris Cheyette and YelloBalolia
A range of books to help with carbohydrate counting and snack ideas.
Type 1 diabetes in children and young people
Ragnar Hanas (6thEdn 20 Feb 2015)
ISBN 1859595669
Can I tell you about type 1 diabetes?
A guide for friends, family and professionals – Julie Edge (21 March 2014)
ISBN 184905469X
Through the looking glass.
Seeing diabetes from your child’s perspective– Rachel Besser (27 July 2009)
ISBN 1859592090
The Adventures of Sugar The Travelling Bear.
The Adventures of the Insulin Gang Travelling Bear, Sugar, as he visits children with Type One Diabetes – Donna-Michelle Hall (April 2018)
ISBN 1984188925
Revolve Comics - Diabetes Type 1 Origins Comic
A young persons journey into type 1 diabetes…
Revolve Comics - Diabetes Type 1 - Attack of the Ketones
Type 1: Attack of the Ketones is the second issue in the type 1 diabetes comic series. Here, the focus is on the risk that can be posed to people with type 1 diabetes if blood sugar levels climb too high….
MDT (Multi-disciplinary Team) Clinic
Every three months you will be sent an appointment for your child to attend a multidisciplinary team clinic. This will mean you will be able to speak to your paediatric diabetes nurses and dietitian alongside your consultant during your appointment. Please bring your meter or diary to clinic.
Prior to the appointment, a finger prick test may be carried out in order to find out what your latest HbA1c reading is. This can help to guide you as to how well your child’s diabetes is being managed.
In addition, each year your child will receive an annual review. This will include a foot examination, as well as a blood test to check for the early signs of possible complications as well as associated conditions.
If you are over 12 years of age you will also be required to provide a urine sample annually and you will also need retinopathy screening completed (this is arranged by your GP surgery).
Location and timings
Children's outpatients, George Eliot Hospital.
Thursday mornings 9am – 1pm.
Young Persons Clinic
We hold young persons clinics once a month in the evenings from 4-7pm for young people from the age of 15 years. These clinics are generally held in the adult diabetes centre.
Please bring your meter or diary to clinic.
During these clinics you will be seen by members of the paediatric diabetes team but a member of the adult team may also be present.
Further information about the adult diabetes team at George Eliot Hospital.
Location and timings
Adult Diabetes Centre, George Eliot Hospital
Every fourth Wednesday of the month, 4-7pm
Dietetic Clinics
Paediatric Diabetes Dietetic Clinics run on Friday afternoons in Outpatients C, 1st Floor, George Eliot Hospital.
You will be offered a separate appointment with our specialist paediatric diabetes dietitian once yearly in addition to your usual clinic appointments. This appointment provides an opportunity to discuss any dietary issues including the following in greater detail:
- Carbohydrate counting, including ways to improve accuracy, what to do when eating out and keeping it practical
- The balance of the diet as a whole and maintaining a healthy weight
- Exercise management and practical methods to maintain blood glucose levels and energy levels during activity
- Dietary management of other health conditions such as Coeliac Disease, raised cholesterol or food allergy
- Managing blood glucose levels with different meal types and the use of advanced bolus options on insulin pumps
If you are on an insulin pump, it might be useful to bring a printed copy of a recent pump download to the appointment so that the effects of different foods and bolus types can be discussed in more detail.
You will also be sent a food diary prior to attending your appointment. If you would like us to analyse this diary to if there are any deficiencies please send this to the dietetic department at least 1 week in advance of your appointment to:
Omar Shah
Dietetic Department
George Eliot Hospital
College Street
CV10 7DJ
Click here for information on resources about food and nutrition.
Please find links to our patient information and resources below:
Altering insulin doses for good blood glucose control
Patient Advice for Sick Day Rule V4 2018
'Thank you to all the families that joined the annual Children’s Diabetes Christmas party.
We had lots of fun dancing & playing in the snow! '
‘The George Eliot Hospital Paediatric Diabetes service held their Christmas party recently.
’The Paediatric Diabetes Team would like to say a huge thank you to Steve Paxton. Steve has been runn