For any queries about BadgerNotes, please contact your community midwife or email BadgerNotes
You can now self refer to George Eliot Hospital Maternity Services
See above and select ‘Self Refer to George Eliot Hospital’ . Once this referral has been received, it will be processed and you will get an email within 7 days with information on how to create your Badger Notes Account. If you have not received a confirmation email, please check your junk / spam folder. If you have still not received the confirmation email please contact
If you have already used Badger Notes, you will be able to add your new pregnancy on to your existing account. If you can’t remember your password, please follow the steps in the app to reset your password.
If you have an old phone that will not allow you access to the app, you are still able to access your notes on your mobile by visiting the Badger Notes Web page:
For assistance with creating and using this account, link to YouTube or scan the QR code below:
For more information on how the Trust uses your information please see our GDPR privacy notice.
When you have access Badger Notes, either via the app or the web, please could you complete the pre-booking questionnaire. This will support your new midwife to understand any specific needs or concerns prior to your first appointment.
You will get a phone call from a Midwife or one of the support workers to book your 1st appointment – also called a booking appointment. This usually takes between 60 to 90 minutes and will involve lots of questions in relation to your health, family history and other key information.
Care Plan
This displays the week-by-week view. Scroll up and down this to see different weeks. Each week will give you information that week of pregnancy (NHS advice). It will contain appointments that have been made by your midwife (Please be aware that Scan appointments will not show here) and give you indication of the standard appointments that you can expect throughout your pregnancy. Each week there is additional reading recommended that links to specific leaflets within the Badger Notes Library. You are also able to record your journey with space for written entries and pictures (this is for your personal use and no one but yourself can access this information)
Maternity Record
Your maternity record has details from key visits with your care team. If you do not see details of the visits, please speak with your Midwife. There is a welcome message that contains information on symptoms to look out for and contact numbers for the unit. It contains your key details, if you need to phone in to the Maternity unit, this is where you will find your NHS number that you will be asked for. Your antenatal visits, blood results, Scan summary and GROW chart are also accessible under this button on the app.
You are at the centre of your care. At any time, use the conversations to inform your care team of your preferences or ask non-urgent questions which will be followed up at your next visit. This can help guide your thoughts to decide on what preferences you may have during your pregnancy, during labour and once baby has arrived.
The library has leaflets and appropriate links to websites that has up to date information for your entire journey. Your care team can suggest reading for you along the way. Turn on Notifications to receive reminders about recommended reading and non-urgent messages from the Midwifery team through the app.
In the top left of the screen, the 3 pink lines will take you to the app menu. From here, you can edit your profile which is where you can change your Name, telephone number or email address. Within the settings option, you can change your password, pin, update your notifications settings and also change your background colour and logout. This is also the place where you can add a new pregnancy if you have had a Badger Notes account before. Additional options in the menu include Hospital Contacts, your care team, the ability to give your GP temporary access to your notes, feedback on your care and access video tutorials and help.
Badger Notes will replace patient green handheld notes and provide several benefits over paper notes:
- Information is available for patients to interact with, putting you at the centre of your care
- If you need to go to another hospital that also uses BadgerNet for care, they will be able to see all your results and notes so that they can provide you with the right care
- The digital record is secure (similar to internet banking), you will not lose the notes on the bus or other mishap
- Badger Notes is powered by BadgerNet, the same secure platform used by healthcare professionals involved in maternity care.
- The digital record is easily accessed on your Smart phone, but can also be accessed on a PC or tablet, no need to carry around bulky notes where ever you go.