Parent Education Classes
Early Pregnancy Advice - Healthy eating, foods to avoid, vitamins & supplements, vaccinations during pregnancy, morning sickness, exercise, travel in pregnancy, maternity leave, baby’s movements, screening tests during pregnancy and more
Breastfeeding – the Community Infant Feeding Team provide information on all areas of breastfeeding. To enquire, please complete this form - antenatal class.
Feeding - This session will be a question and answer session for both breastfeeding and formula feeding parents.
Preparing for Labour - What to pack in your hospital bag, birth expectations, signs of labour, hormones in labour, birth environment, travelling to the hospital, birth plan, getting into labour naturally, pain relief at home, & more.
Labour & Birth - Progress in labour, induction of labour, monitoring the baby during labour, positions in labour, pain relief in labour, types of birth, delivering the placenta, skin to skin and more.
Birth Plan - Writing a birth plan to include: where to give birth, choosing a birth partner, equipment in labour, creating your birth environment, relaxation techniques during labour and more
Water Birth - Benefits of having a water birth, other pain relief options in the pool, birth environment, positions for labouring in the pool, delivering the placenta in the pool, having a water birth at home, advice and guidance about having a water birth and more.
Home Birth - This session will include advice and guidance for women considering a home birth
After the birth of your baby - Skin to skin, safer sleeping, baby safety, baby bathing, cord care, screening tests for baby, Jaundice , Pelvic floor exercises, Contraception, registering the birth, mum’s wound care, looking after yourself after birth and more.
Dads & Partners - This session is for Dads & partners to meet and share ideas, support and ask questions to other dads or the Midwife.
Postnatal Coffee Morning – This session is for new parents to meet, socialise and ask the Midwife questions. Grab yourself a drink and log in to have a chat with other new parents.
Baby Safety - This session will include – Meningitis, febrile seizures / convulsions, falls & head injuries, water safety, burns & scalds, newborn CPR, choking, home safety & accident prevention, and more.
Full details of the upcoming parent education classes can be found below:
To book a place visit our booking system on Eventbrite
If you have any queries regarding the sessions please contact antenatal.
You now have the option to attend one of our Parent Education Classes at the following locations
- St Michael's Children and Family Centre in Bedworth. Hazel Grove, Bedworth, CV12 9DA - Located next to St Michael's Church of England School
- Camp Hill Children and Family Centre in Nuneaton. Holly Stitches Road, Nuneaton, CV10 9QA. Located next to Camp Hill Primary School.