We will soon have a dedicated in house team who will be here to offer a helping hand to help you be smoke-free.
What to expect
- If a patient needs to stay in hospital as an inpatient they will be asked if they are a smoker, if so they will be asked if they would like support to stop smoking.
- Our in house team will visit the patient to understand their needs and explain the support that we can offer.
- The team will put in place a free 10 day programme to help the patient on their way to be smoke free.
- Even if the patient leaves hospital during this 10 days their support will continue.
Our Trust's Tobacco Dependency Team will be more than happy to speak to you about the treatment and support that’s right for you. They can refer you to support in the hospital or community and can be contacted by emailing TobaccoDependencyService
Key Messages
- Smoking tobacco is incredibly addictive because it delivers a powerful ‘hit’ of nicotine into the body and nicotine creates pleasurable feelings like calm and relaxation.
- Nicotine is harmless and does NOT cause the diseases of smoking. Smoking tobacco is incredibly dangerous because of the poisonous chemicals produced when tobacco is burnt to create smoke.
- There are very effective treatments to help a person that smokes to stop. These include using nicotine without tobacco (NRT,vaping) and medications that break the addiction to nicotine in the brain (varenicline, bupropion and cytisine).
- The best chance of becoming smoke-free for good is by using these treatments with the help of a stop smoking specialist.
- Quit4Good Warwickshire, 0333 005 0095, fitterfutures.everyonehealth.co.uk/
stop-smoking-service - Healthy Lifestyles Coventry, 0800 122 3780 (freephone), hlscoventry.org/our-services/stop-smoking
- NHS Better Health, www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking, or download the NHS Quit Smoking app