Our team discuss and assess all patients requiring nutritional support. Nutritional support needs are discussed and we are involved in ethical decision making process of these patients alongside other clinical teams in the hospital, the patients and their relatives.
Contact us
Tel: 02476865044
Contact: 02476865044
Natalie Flowers - Lead Gastroenterology Clinical Nurse Specialist
(Nutrition, Hepatology, Small Bowel Capsule)
Contact: 02476153943
Jo Leonard - Gastroenterology Advanced Clinical Practitioner (photograph of the right)
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopist
Lead consultant
Secretary: Rebecca Noble
Contact number: 02476865151
What do we do?
The team meet twice weekly for our Nutrition Support MDT meeting with ward rounds within the George Eliot Hospital, to discuss and assess all patients requiring Parenteral Nutrition and long term Enteral feeding via PEG, RIG and NG. Nutritional support needs are discussed and we are involved in ethical decision making process of these patients alongside other clinical teams in the hospital, the patients and their relatives. In addition, we offer outpatient consultations at the gastroenterology clinics with multidisciplinary clinical input. Patients with complex nutritional needs can be assessed and managed in a multidisciplinary approach.
How can we help you?
You can refer patient to the Nutrition Support Team that you feel may require nutritional assessment or may have complex nutritional needs. We are able to provide these patients with clinical, dietetic, nursing and speech and language therapy support during consultation.
How can patients be referred?
Patients can be referred at anytime via fax or posting a referral to the following:
Post – Nutrition Support Team, Cheveral Wing, George Eliot Hospital, College Street, CV10 7DJ.
Please remember to include a full in-depth history of the patient in your referral to aid us to make a full assessment.