About the Service
The ENT service provides a comprehensive range of emergency and elective services to the local community, in addition to acting as a referral centre for more complex procedures and tertiary referrals. In common with the national trend, a greater proportion of treatment is being offered on a day case or short stay (23 hours) basis. The service has excellent links with Radiotherapy, Oncology, Plastics and Reconstructive surgery. A multidisciplinary team approach to Head and Neck Cancer ensures optimal treatment and outcomes. There is also a dedicated Skull Base team comprising of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery. ENT is well supported by Speech and Language therapy and a comprehensive audiology service.
Advanced facilities and expertise are available including:
Laser surgery, both for inpatient and outpatient working
- Endocopic sinus surgery
- Voice abnormalities
- Surgery for head and neck malignancy
- Advanced adult and paediatric otology and neurotology
Patient Queries
All queries should be sent via the email mailbox
ENT Team Contact Number: for Appointments/Referrals
02476 865050
Hearing Aid Repairs/batteries/Hearing Assessment appointments
Dr M Abbas
Name: Joanne Harvey
Email: ENT
Tel: 02476865293
General Queries should go to the ENT contact team