This leaflet will provide you with information on the wrist splint that has been applied to your child’s wrist and how to care for them at home. If you have any questions or if there is anything you do not understand about this leaflet, please contact:
Children’s Assessment Unit on 02476 865 631
George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust switchboard number: 02476 351 351
Why does my child need to wear a wrist splint?
Following your child’s injury to their wrist, they have been advised to wear a wrist splint to aid support and healing.
What do I need to do at home?
- The splint should be worn day and night usually for 3-4 weeks or as advised by the discharging doctor. The doctor will advise if your child can remove the splint for showering.
- Your child can go to school with a splint; however, they should not take part in any physical activity / sport until the injury has fully healed.
- Encourage your child to use their hand as much as possible when the splint is in place.
- When removing the splint for showering check the skin for red or irritated areas. If the redness does not settle seek advice.
- Paracetamol and /or ibuprofen can help with pain. Please ensure you follow the instructions on the bottle.
How long does my child need to keep the wrist splint on for?
Your child needs to wear strapping for, or until:
When to seek further advice
- Your child is complaining of increase pain despite taking paracetamol and/or ibuprofen.
- The splint becomes damaged.
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