This leaflet explains what CPE is and how you can help prevent the spread of infection. This leaflet is not intended to replace the discussion between you and your doctor or nurse but can act as a starting point for discussions
What is CPE?
Enterobacterales are bacteria that usually live harmlessly in the gut of humans. This is called ‘colonisation’ (a person is said to be a ‘carrier’). However, if the bacteria get into the wrong place, such as the bladder or bloodstream they can cause infection. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (abbreviated to CPE) are a type of bacteria which have become resistant to carbapenems, a group of powerful antibiotics. This resistance is helped by enzymes called carbapenemases, which are made by some strains of the bacteria and allows them to destroy carbapenem antibiotics. This means the bacteria can cause infections which are resistant to carbapenem antibiotics and many other antibiotics.
What are the symptoms?
Patients who have a CPE colonisation or are a carrier of CPE will experience no symptoms. If a CPE colonisation develops into an infection; you may experience symptoms of a typical infection. Some of these symptoms may include a raised temperature, shivering and feeling generally unwell. This is not always the case, some patients who have a CPE infection do so asymptomatically (with no signs or symptoms).
How is CPE diagnosed?
Not all patients are tested for CPE whilst they are in hospital. Patients usually undergo testing if:
· They have attended a hospital whilst on holiday abroad.
· They have had an overnight stay in another UK hospital.
· They have been in contact with a confirmed CPE case.
Screening is done by a healthcare professional by gently inserting a swab into the rectum or taking a sample of your stool.
How is CPE treated?
If you are found to be colonised with CPE, treatment will be based on the symptoms which you display. If you have a CPE infection then your medical team will contact an antibiotic specialist doctor, known as a Microbiologist. Research continues into CPE, but evidence is beginning to show that CPE can go away on its own, over time.
What precautions are necessary if I am in hospital?
If you do receive a diagnosis of CPE, or come into contact with someone who has, then you will be isolated in a side room. Staff caring for you will wear long sleeve gowns. This is to provide protection for you against developing any complex infections. It is important for you to carry out good hand hygiene; ask your nurse if you require more information. Family and friends can visit you as normal; they should be encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Can I go home after being told I have CPE?
Being diagnosed with CPE should not keep you in hospital if you feel well. You should complete the entire course of any treatment that you are sent home with. The most common way in which CPE spreads is through contact. This could be through direct person-to-person contact or through indirect contact via contact with a contaminated object. This is why it is important that you continue to practice good hand hygiene after you go home.
When can I go back to work or school?
You can return to work or school as soon as you feel well enough. You do not need to tell anyone you have CPE if you do not wish.
If you seek medical attention in the future. It is important that you let your care provider know you have previously been CPE positive.
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