Welcome to George Eliot Hospital Maternity Services
- Maternity Triage: 02476 865 246
- Delivery Suite: 02476 865 090
- Antenatal Clinic: 02476 865 049
- Maternity Ultrasound Scans: 02476 865 072
- Maternity Assessment Unit: 02476 865 672
- Drayton Ward: 02476 865 053
- Special Care Baby Unit: 02476 865 258
- Community Midwives:02476 865 022
- New Referral Queries: 02476 865 049
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit: 02476 865 570
- Maternity Voices Partnership
Delivery Suite: open 24/7 – Visiting 24/7 One named birth partner and one essential additional visitor will be permitted for those in labour. Children will not be permitted on to delivery suite.
Drayton Ward: open 24/7
Partners are permitted between 8.00am - 20.00.
Two additional visitor may visit between 14:30 – 16:30.The 2 additional visitors must remain the same and cannot be swapped over to accommodate further visitors
Brothers and Sisters of the new baby are welcome between 14:30 – 16:30. They should remain at the bed space and be supervised by an appropriate adult at all times.
Maternity Assessment Unit: 8am – 8pm, however phone number is 24/7 and is diverted to Labour ward overnight. Also open over Christmas and New Year Bank Holidays. See video here. Out of hours visits to Maternity Assessment Unit are treated on the delivery suite and women may be accompanied by one person.
ANC: 9am – 4.30pm
Scan 8am – 4pm
What to do if you feel unwell or you think you are going into labour
When should you call the hospital?
Early stages of pregnancy - Up to 12 weeks
- Morning sickness can be very common in pregnancy, however, if you are continuously experiencing sickness and feel unwell contact your GP.
- If you are bleeding visit A&E or ask your doctor.
During pregnancy - 12 to 16 weeks
- Go to A&E If you are bleeding or contact your GP.
During pregnancy - after 16 weeks
- Please contact the Triage unit in Maternity - Call 024 7686 5246 before you arrive.
During pregnancy - other concerns
Contact us if you have any of the following concerns.
Also call if you have any of the following symptoms:
- If your baby’s pattern of movements has changed.
- If your waters break.
- If you have any bleeding
- A headache which does not resolve with paracetamol.
- Visual disturbances.
- Swelling of your hands and feet.
- If you have itching hands or feet.
- If you are feeling generally unwell.
- If you have any general questions about your labour.
If your baby is not moving normally
- If your baby is not moving normally, call the Triage Unit urgently on 024 7686 5246
If you think you are in labour
Tel: 024 7686 5246
- If you are having two or more contractions in 10 minutes, they are regular in pattern and they are lasting 30-40 seconds.
- If you are finding it hard to manage at home or if you have any concerns.
Why you should choose George Eliot Hospital to have your baby
Keeping Newborn Babies Warm Video for parents
Nine steps to keeping newborn babies warm