This initiative is part of the NHS response to the Francis report which called for greater openness and transparency in the health service. Information about staffing levels will be published monthly.
Full details are reported to public meetings of our Board of Directors and available within our published Board papers.
Why are we publishing this data
We are required to publish information about the number of nursing and midwifery staff working on each inpatient ward, with robust data (by month, by ward area) and then on an on-going monthly basis. The intention is to demonstrate how Trusts across the NHS ensure the safety of their staffing levels and skill mix.
This information is contributing to improved care for patients by ensuring that effective staffing levels are presented, challenged, owned by Trust Boards and openly shared with the public.
Safer Staffing Documents
Our Safer Staffing documents can be found on within our board papers. Read more about our Trust Board papers and performance reports.
Earlier copies of our Safer Staffing reports are available from our Trust Secretary and/or Board Secretary. Email Vanessa.