Safeguarding at the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
We at the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust take our safeguarding responsibilities extremely seriously. We work closely with other agencies within Nuneaton, Bedworth and North Warwickshire to ensure a seamless, co-ordinated approach to both adults and children in our care, and to the children of adults in our care.
We have currently declared ourselves compliant with the CQC requirements for safeguarding children.
The Trust has designated consultants and named nurses for safeguarding adults and children. There is also a named midwife responsible for safeguarding. These professionals provide advice, training and support to staff, patients and other agencies.
The Trust works in partnership with local authorities to safeguard vulnerable adults and children.
The role of the safeguarding partnership is to maintain and develop inter-agency frameworks to safeguard adults and children and to co-ordinate what is done by each agency lead member to achieve this.
The Safeguarding Partnership representative for George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust is the Chief Nurse, Natalie Green
- Safeguarding Policy (Adults) (pdf)
- Safeguarding Policy (Children) (pdf)
- Icon Caring for a crying baby
We are committed to protecting patients, children, families and staff. Keeping them safe from harm, abuse and neglect.
The Trust has a statutory duty under Section 11 of the Children’s Act 2004 to protect children from harm as part of the wider work of safeguarding and promoting their welfare.
This means working in partnership with other agencies to:
- Protect children from maltreatment
- Prevent impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensure children grow up in circumstances consistent with provision of safe and effective care
We aim to fulfil our commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children by:
- Having clear lines of accountability and structures
- Supporting a culture that enables safeguarding issues and promotion of children’s welfare to be addressed, and ensuring that accurate records with regard to actions and decisions are made
- Ensuring staff receive adequate training to identify and protect people from abuse
The George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust works hard to ensure that all patients, children and adults are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment.
The Trust works hard to ensure that all patients are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment. To achieve this for adults, we are working in partnership with other agencies in line with the No Secrets Guidance (Department of Health 2000) to ensure:
- Processes are in place to prevent harm
- Processes are in place for effectively responding where there is a high risk of harm or harm may have been experienced
- Processes are in place to learn from events
The safeguarding team at George Eliot hospital provide:
• Support
• Guidance
• Training
• Supervision
• Audits
Telephone Number 02476153404
We are available between 8-5 Monday to Friday
Head of Safeguarding, Natalie Asser natalie.
Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Adults, Anna Sutherland anna.
Named Nurse for Safeguarding Adults: Annette Bagshaw, annette.
Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children: Nicola Lamb,
Named safeguarding Midwives: Stephanie Rowlands, stephanie.
General children's safeguarding: geh.safeguarding.children@
Named Safeguarding Doctor: Dr Lovemore Nganunu,
Named Safeguarding Adults Doctor: Dr Muhammad Alamgir,
General children's safeguarding email address
Children in Care Nurses
Executive Lead - Natalie Green, Chief Nursing Officer
Operational Lead - Jeanette Halborg, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
If you are a social worker or a police officer and you would like to discuss a child protection medical, please contact 02476351351 and ask for the paediatric consultant of the day who will guide you through the process.
For Adult and child welfare concerns contact the local authority where the person resides. Use the postcode checker tool to find out which is the correct local authority.
Find your local council - GOV.UK (
Telephone Number 08088005000
Telephone Number 08001111
Warwickshire refuge
Refuge Domestic Violence Service Warwickshire - Refuge
Warwickshire Safeguarding Partnership Website
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