All NHS organisations must follow the Accessible Information Standard by law. The standard ensures that disabled people have access to information that they can understand and any communication support they might need. The standard requires organisations to make information accessible to patients, carers and families. This includes making sure that people get information in different formats if they need it, such as large print, braille, easy read and via email.
As part of the standard the Trust must do five things:
Ask our patients or service users if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs.
Record those needs clearly on the patient’s electronic or paper records.
Highlight the communication needs in a visible way so that other staff are aware and are prompted to take action.
Share information about the patient’s communication needs with other NHS and adult social care providers, when they have consent or permission to do so.
Act to make sure that our patients get information in an accessible way and communication support if they need it.
Accessible Information Standard Useful Links
For more information/guidance around the standard, you can visit the NHS England website.
If you have questions about how George Eliot hospital NHS Trust implements the standard please contact